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Do you hold a vision for your life, HEALTH and diet?

Learn how a powerful vision might be exactly what you need to reach your goals!

I have a powerful success secret that I believe can help anyone who takes it in—anyone who leans in and listens. It can help you if you are young or old, rich or poor, black or white, fast or slow. This secret has sustained me in times when I was the least qualified and in times when I was the most qualified. It has kept me in the face of external and internal doubt. It has caused me to triumph in times of plenty and lack—and now I am sharing this secret with you. And that secret is the Power of Vision.

‘Vision’ is an internal picture of the goal(s) which you aim to achieve; however, in order to tackle this complex subject, let's go further than its definition to explain the concept and characteristics of ‘Vision’…

Vision is first of all, personal…very personal!

As unique as each fingerprint and the shape of every star, your vision is designed especially for you. There is quite a lot packed into the knowledge of that, because it means that you will hold it close in admiration as opposed to fear. You will understand that it can’t be matched, duplicated, stolen or diminished by anyone or anything. Circumstances can’t stomp it out, neither can a bank account balance, or a low Instagram following. Once you settle into the personal, uniqueness of this vision, it will bring upon you a calm that all the world can see…A calm confidence that has been generously bestowed upon you by this great ‘Vision.’

Secondly, the Vision is BIG.

And when I say big, I don’t necessarily mean in size, because size is largely measured by perspective. When I say big, I mean big to you, big in your mind and big in your estimation of what you can achieve. Often its overwhelming size is due to the fact that your first glimpse of the vision is during a time when nothing around you speaks to its birth. In your eyes, you are too small to achieve it and the tools to build it don’t even appear to be in your toolbox. You feel small in its presence. But don’t be alarmed by this, because you will rise to the occasion.

And finally, the Vision is Strong.  

As you carry the same vision through life, it will grow, and shape itself in parallel to your personal growth, and become clearer and clearer as you mature together. As you live with the vision, it will begin to remind you of the largest, most reliable umbrella you’ve ever owned—the one you carry with you in the strongest storms. The vision has the coverage to protect you from the rains of doubt, both internal and external. It blocks the storms of racism, fear, and insecurity. And it is never impacted by the vision that someone else holds for you—remember it is personal and so strong that regardless of what others think or say, vision will protect you, keep you and carry you through to your destination.

It’s the unnamed confidence in Maya Angelou’s ‘Still I Rise’. Identifying your vision means that you know who you are and you know where you are going. You hold an image in your heart that pictures you at your destination long before you arrive…It’s the personal, big, strong, magical power of Vision.

While we are faced with the reality of Covid-19, the cloud of global racial injustices, and the threat of uncertainty, we could all use the Power of Vision today—a Vision for our lives, our families, our health and our world.

What’s your vision today?  Many find it in something they love to do, or even buried in a problem they long to fix. Once you have identified it, befriend it. It’s the lifelong companion that will cheer you on in every season. And when you arrive at the beautiful scene you saw within you long ago, you will celebrate together and many will benefit from the wealth of the journey.

Vision transforms the routine of everyday life into a worthwhile adventure. If a healthy lifestyle is in fact a part of your Vision, why not join us for our 4-week summer course to a healthier you. Click here for more information.
