‘Let’s go vegan!’

Are you struggling to find time for your well-being while coping with the drastic changes to all of our lives over the past few months? Then ‘Let’s Go Vegan’ could be just the boost you need.

From the 1st of July, Swap Meat nutrition company and Out of this World ethical market are partnering to offer a 4-week vegan programme to help you to take control of your health this summer.

Why Vegan

Studies show that plant-based diets are packed with all the nutrients we need to help boost the immune system, such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E, not to mention loads of antioxidants to help fight against disease. There's no better time than now to load up on fruit and vegetables and keep your body strong!

What's Included

This online programme, designed by plant-based nutritionist, Dr Terri Holloway, includes expert Nutrition Instruction, Meal Planning, Recipes, Shopping Lists, Peer Support and more — providing you with all of the tools you need to jumpstart a healthy lifestyle and set long-term habits in place that will benefit you throughout the rest of the year!

'Let's Go Vegan!' kicked off from the 1st July, but you are just in time to join us for our four 1-hour weekly training sessions on the 10th, 17th, 24th and 31st of July, from 4-5pm (BST).

Take advantage of one of our remaining FREE spaces, which will be allocated on a first come/first served basis. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to ‘Go Vegan!’ Book your space today!