SWAP MEAT'S 4-week plant party !

We've designed a personalised programme to help you experience life-changing results in just 4 short weeks!

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The Health Benefits...

Research shows that a planned plant-based diet offers a number of nutritional benefits, including lower levels of saturated fat and cholesterol, and higher levels of healthy carbohydrates, fibre, magnesium, potassium, folate, and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, and a long list of phytochemicals (chemical compounds found in plants which fight disease!) 

People who eat plant-based foods are also reported to be slimmer, have lower rates of death from heart disease; lower blood cholesterol levels; blood pressure; hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer, which means that the power to prevent sickness and disease is not in the hospitals...it's actually in your KITCHEN and mine!

What's Included in the Program???


1. a one-to-one Nutrition Consultation.

The programme includes a tailored Nutrition Consultation, held at the start of your 4-week journey. During this session, we'll assess your dietary history and health status, measure your food and nutrient intake, eating habits, weight and energy levels, and set realistic targets for the weeks ahead!

2. Detailed Dietary Analysis including nutrient assessment and recommendations.

The programme also includes a Full Nutrient Report which will reveal exactly why you are experiencing certain outcomes, such as fatigue and raised cholesterol levels, and identify whether you are at risk for specific diseases. This detailed written analysis is an excellent opportunity for us to clearly see obstacles which may have held you back so far, and implement habits to make a long-term change.

3. Four group training sessions  

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These sessions are both informative and informal, allowing you to receive ongoing weekly support throughout the entire program. Not only will you build more knowledge about plant-based nutrition each week, but you will have an opportunity to voice your barriers, concerns and obstacles in a safe and supportive atmosphere. You will also receive advice regarding meal preferences and how to actually ENJOY the food you’re eating while improving your health and healing your body.

At Swap Meat, we firmly believe that eating should be an enjoyable experience, not one of deprivation, so these sessions will help you to eat the food you love, and love the food you eat!

4. Ten 'personalised' recipes to alternate throughout the program.


Once we have fully assessed your health needs and discussed your favourite foods, we will combine the information obtained from your nutrient analysis and food preference consultation and design 10 personalised recipes to help you experience optimum results! You will love these healthy, flavourful dishes because we've designed them to include WHAT YOU LIKE! You'll also enjoy mixing and matching them and how empowered you feel recreating these yummy masterpieces on your own. They will inspire you to experiment more in the kitchen as you become familiar with new and exciting tastes and develop a more adventurist palate!  

5. A meal prep demonstration and vegan cooking demonstrations

Once you receive your ten flavourful vegan recipes, we want you to feel confident preparing them and planning weekly menus, which is why we are also including cooking lessons and meal planning as a part of the Plant Party. Having the chance to walk through the steps involved in preparing vegan meals together will help you to see how easy and enjoyable it is to make these simple changes. The group will also share tips and cooking preferences with each other so that we’re all learning and supporting each other through this fun and interactive experience!

6. Personal Maintenance Plan to adhere to following the programme for continued success!

While we are certain that you will enjoy your four weeks of transformation, the personal maintenance plan that we will design for you to incorporate after the programme is extremely important, as it will help you to maintain results. Beyond the learning and motivation gained during the 4-Week Plant Party, this plan will take into account everything we've done together and your capabilities going forward. This plan will be a guide that you can refer to again and again to reach ongoing manageable goals and continued results!

How much does all of this cost??

You can sign up today for Swap MeAt's 4-Week plant party for just $99   

Providing the hours of support and guidance offered within this programme would normally cost more than three times as much for individual services, so please don't miss out on this very special offer!